Author's posts
Apr 10
The Pastor’s Desk-March Newsletter
Normally our March newsletter will address something about spring. But before talking about spring for this March 2024 article, I’d like to address a subject that is near and dear to my heart. March is Pastor’s Wife Appreciation Month. Many churches honor their pastor and his wife in October but I feel it will help …
Feb 20
The Pastor’s Desk-February Newsletter
“And Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit, returned from the Jordan and was led by the Spirit in the wilderness for forty days, being tempted by the devil. And he ate nothing during those days. And when they were ended, he was hungry.” Luke 4:1-2 Lent begins this year on February 14th and commemorates the …
Feb 20
The Pastor’s Desk-January Newsletter
Endings and Beginnings! That’s where we find ourselves at this time of year, isn’t it? The end of the year 2023 and the beginning of the year 2024. We remember the successes, good times, and good things of 2023. And we look forward to the same in the coming year. What does the scripture say …
Dec 18
The Pastor’s Desk-December Newsletter
I shared this post on my Facebook page some two years ago. And I recently shared it again. Some said I should share it with a wider audience. So here goes. I’ve just been thinking about the holiday season, Thanksgiving and Christmas, of the year 1936. Eighty-five years ago, a little widowed lady was trying …
Nov 08
The Pastor’s Desk-November Newsletter
How to begin, how to begin! Looking around us, the world seems to be falling apart before our very eyes. God, how can we have peace in our hearts to face the daily barrage of bad news from every source? Turn on the television news, it’s bad news. Listen to the radio? Better not tune …
Oct 02
The Pastor’s Desk-October Newsletter
Last month for September, we talked about prayer. Let’s continue that thought this month, shall we? In particular, let’s think about how, why, and when we pray for one another. Now you’re probably asking, “Pastor Tim, why are you talking about this again?” The answer to that question lies in some personal things I as …
Sep 20
The Pastor’s Desk-September Newsletter
Praying for Our Church For September’s newsletter, I want us to think about prayer. One of the reasons we give for not praying is we don’t know what to pray for. Well, I’d like to suggest this month we emphasize praying for our church! I googled “praying for the church” and found a prayer guide …
Aug 23
The Pastor’s Desk-August Newsletter
Wow! Where does the time go? If your summer is going as fast as mine, we are probably asking the same question, where has the time gone? Time seems to be flying by this year, doesn’t it? Way back in January, when we welcomed in the New Year, it seemed like I blinked and it …
Jul 14
The Pastor’s Desk-July Newsletter
Here we are again in the “dog days of summer”. Independence Day (4th of July) always leads us into the dog days. What does your family do to celebrate the holiday? Is it a day for a big barbecue? What about a picnic at the park? Is it just your family? Do you include others? …
Jun 06
The Pastor’s Desk-May Newsletter
This month of May 2023 may prove to be one of the most momentous in the history of Methodism- perhaps the most momentous since the 1968 merger of The Methodist Church and the Evangelical United Brethren (EUB) Church. Some conferences have already held special annual conference sessions to vote on the dis-affiliations of hundreds of …