The Pastor’s Pen-August Newsletter

“Now, our God, we give you thanks, and praise your glorious name.” (I Chronicles 29:13 NKJV)

Our summer has been strange this year, hasn’t it? We’ve gone from rain, rain, and more rain, to weeks and weeks of hot and dry, and now back to rain, rain, and more rain. Still we want to take advantage of these months. As you read this August newsletter, summer is not over. Here are some possibilities to still consider:

When you’re on the lake, remember to look up and around and give God the creator praise for all the wonderful pieces of creation we have here in our corner of the world.

Consider visiting a relative or friend you haven’t seen in years.

Consider sharing the flowers or vegetables from your garden with someone who could use an act of kindness.

When you’re in the car traveling on vacation and the kids are fussy and anxious, remember to give God thanks for making you a parent.

When you’re golfing, biking, fishing, canoeing, kayaking, or jogging, remember to give God thanks for giving you the health to do such activities.

When you feel squeezed by economic circumstances, remember to give thanks for the roof over your head and the friends in your life.

When you think summer is a time to take a vacation from worshiping God, reconsider the gift that your presence represents to the whole church community.

When you are sitting on your porch listening to the birds sing, remember that God loves to hear you sing praises also.

Consider inviting someone to our church or to watch the services on Facebook if they cannot attend in person.

I suppose I’m just asking you to continue to have a blessed and thankful summer!