As you know by now, this coming March 2023 we, as a church, will be making a significant and possibly historic decision about the future of our Homestead Church. I hope that you have been praying about this decision, and you are prepared to cast an informed and Spirit-led vote on this matter. For some …
Category: Newsletter
Mar 13
The Pastor’s Desk-February 2023 Newsletter
February 2023, my how time moves along! Let’s continue our thoughts about the new year from last month’s article. We are excited about all that lies ahead in the New Year of 2023. While 2023 will bring its share of challenges and concerns, the dawning of a new year always offers us the opportunity for …
Jan 04
Here We Are!
Well, here we are! January 2023- A New Year!!! What does this new year hold in store for us? Can we make an attempt at a guess? Maybe yes, maybe no! Should we even try? There are some givens for this new year. There will be joys along with sorrows. Some will be sick this …
Dec 02
God Sent His Son
“When the time had fully come, God sent his Son, born of a woman.” (Galatians 4:4) Here we go again! Where does the time go? It only seems like yesterday when we were celebrating Christmas last year! Does life seem to speed up the older we get? It sure seems as if it does. It’s …
Nov 01
“Where Could I Go?”
Is it November already? My heart and my body suggest to me that it should still be July or August. I long for the warm days and especially the warm mornings when I could take my coffee and reading materials to the front porch to bask in the glory of God’s creation. But, alas, the …
Oct 01
What Are Sacraments?
Are you familiar with the term “Sacrament?” A Sacrament could be described as a Christian rite or ritual that is celebrated by the church. We as Methodists recognize two primary sacraments- Holy Baptism and Holy Communion that we observe in obedience to Jesus’ commands. Regarding Holy Baptism, Matthew the Disciple gives us an account of …
Sep 20
What’s Next
Here we are again- SEPTEMBER! Where did the summer go? The kids are back in school. Wednesday Night Life is back in session! We had our “Blessing of the Backpacks.” The kids and the entire congregation seemed to enjoy the service. The next question that comes up may be, “Now what?” Believe me, things are …
Aug 02
Serve to Lead
Matthew 20:25-28 tells us that, “Jesus called them together and said, “You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their high officials exercise authority over them. Not so with you. Instead, whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first must be …
Jul 01
What’s New
In my article each month, I usually try to write something “spiritual” that will hopefully help us all move along in our journey of faith. But I am using my newsletter article for next couple of months to update you on some ongoing and future projects here on the property. Those of you who have …
Jun 05
Joy, Sorrow, Life
May 2022 has certainly been a month of highs and lows, joys and sorrows! We started out the month on a joyous high. With our covered dish meal and silent auction back on Sunday, May 1st, we enjoyed a wonderful time of food and fellowship. Several parishioners remarked how good it is that we are …