Author's posts
Jun 05
Joy, Sorrow, Life
May 2022 has certainly been a month of highs and lows, joys and sorrows! We started out the month on a joyous high. With our covered dish meal and silent auction back on Sunday, May 1st, we enjoyed a wonderful time of food and fellowship. Several parishioners remarked how good it is that we are …
May 01
Hello May!
The month of April 2022 has certainly been an unusual month, hasn’t it? Lots of rain but thank goodness no extremely destructive storms to speak of. It seems the past few years that the spring storms have been exceptionally destructive. So, a reprieve during this spring of 2022 is certainly welcomed and appreciated. That said, …
Apr 03
Hello April!
Dear Friends in Christ, As many of you know, our Wednesday Night Life adult Bible class will be wrapping up a long-term study of Revelation this month. This study has been ongoing for the better part of a year- including a break for several months as Covid numbers suddenly in-creased for a period of time. …
Mar 01
How Comforting!
“March winds bring April showers. April showers bring May flowers.” Do you remember this old saying? I’m sure you older folks remember. But are you like me? Our weather patterns of late seem to be “catty-wampus,” don’t they? It seems our March winds came a little earlier than our old saying said they should. I …
Feb 02
Get Busy With the Lord
Do you remember studying fractions in school? I remember teaching fractions in third and fourth grade. Back then, basic fractions were introduced in third grade. By the time the students were in fourth grade, they were hitting fractions hard. However, by the time I retired from teaching first grade, we were already introducing the basic …
Jan 10
Christmas Means a Little Bit More!
I heard someone say the other day, “Well, another Christmas has come and gone.” Frankly, I was a bit perplexed by that remark, and I really didn’t know what to say in reaction to it. Yes, December 25th as the date we celebrate Christmas is past. But is Christmas really gone? Now you know two …
Dec 01
The Nitty Gritty
Advent, Holly, Poinsettias, Hope, Peace, Joy, Love, Yule, Christmas, Trees, Wise Men, Shepherds, on and on we could go! The words and phrases of the Holiday season. We throw them around wil-ly-nilly without really giving much serious thought to them. Each one may have some special meaning to us. They all may have special meaning …
Nov 01
Be Thankful
NOVEMBER! The month to be thankful! Really? November is the only month to be thankful? But you say, “Pastor, Thanksgiving is celebrated on the fourth Thursday of this month. Shouldn’t we be thankful on Thanksgiving?” Yes, of course! We should be thankful on Thanksgiving. But here is a novel idea. How about being thankful every …
Oct 11
Happy Fall, Y’all!
Here we go again! We were slowly beginning to get back into the swing of things throughout the summer. Wednesday Night Life Activities, such as our much-loved evening meal, our study of the book of Revelation, and the excitement of seeing our youth enthusiastically gathering for their activities brought joy to our hearts! Then it …
Jul 01
And Now For The Rest of The Story . . .
Have you been in suspense since last month’s newsletter? Today, we continue the story of David and Svea Flood- missionaries to the Belgian Congo- today known as the Democratic Republic of the Congo (known from 1961-1997 as Zaire). As you remember where we ended last month, Svea Flood had passed away from malaria and the …